CAMEO submissions

To be featured as a Cameo artist, you must complete a submission form which covers the below details. On this page, you’ll find an overview of what to include. There are plenty of examples to draw from on our Cameo page.
The google submission form is linked below when you are ready to submit for consideration by the MetalAid Team. If you have any questions, contact us.

Q & A

Answer all of the questions included in the application. Responses can be short and simple, or paragraph length. The maximum limit is 150 words per answer.


You must submit:
1 portrait image of yourself (this can be in-studio or a professional portrait)
2 images of work
All images must be 72 dpi or max 1024 px on the longest side
Make sure images are labelled correctly and easy to identify, according to the outline on the Google form


Include details of the work depicted in your submitted images!
Photo Credit

Ready to APPLY?

By submitting your Cameo Google form, you acknowledge and agree to allow MetalAid to use the shared images on MetalAid platforms, including website, social media, promotional material, etc.